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It’s a question we are asked regularly: “How much should I be feeding my cows?” It is a valid question with meaningful tradeoffs – on one hand, we want to minimize the largest variable cost in a cow-calf business, while on the other, we yearn for maximum reproductive...
Hay Stretchers: Are they for me?

Hay Stretchers: Are they for me?

By: Henry Hilscher, Ph.D., Livestock Nutrition Center What are signs I need a hay stretcher? With the hot dry conditions and lack of rainfall lately, hay production has been in serious decline in the central southern US. This is putting on a strain on current forage...
Focus on the cow herd in a dry fall season.

Focus on the cow herd in a dry fall season.

By: Levi Trubenbach, Ph.D., Livestock Nutrition Center As we approach the end of a summer season with relatively (historically, in some areas) dry conditions across much of our serviceable area, we have been receiving more calls than normal about supplemental feed for...

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